About the Blog

This blog is my personal views about the world I see. It’s mostly political commentary (though I reserve the right to comment about college football or any other topic), but aims to try to explore new perspectives instead of just advocating a particular set of ideas. I started it not to convince the world of anything in particular, but because writing my thoughts helps me refine them. My writing is mostly for my own benefit, but knowing I might have an audience forces me to put more effort into my thoughts in the hope that you may find something of value.

I’m not shy about sharing my opinion in my posts, but sincerely hope not to offend anyone. I firmly believe we all should make considered decisions about what we believe, and be willing to stand for those beliefs while exercising respect, civility, and consideration for those who disagree with us. If there’s anything I want to share with my readers (if I have any), it is the value of perspective. I hope that my writing helps you see things through a different lens. I hope it helps you better understand those with whom you might not agree. Whether or not you agree with my thoughts, I hope to better understand your perspective and welcome your comments and feedback.

I am politically independent and make an effort in this blog to demonstrate that good solutions come from both sides of the aisle. I believe cooperation and compromise are necessities in democratic government. I believe in the power of the free market, but also that government intervention is often necessary and desirable. I believe in individual liberty as well as the necessity of family values and faith. I believe equality and justice are of supreme importance, but that sometimes limited government is the best way to pursue those goals. I believe that the government’s primary responsibility is our security, but that a strong military isn’t necessarily the best way to provide it. I believe in promoting self reliance and individual accountability, but that social programs are sometimes the best way to do so. I believe reason and spirituality are both acceptable and necessary means of seeking for truth. I believe good public policy requires us not to choose among these values, but to strive to maximize and balance them. I hope the thoughts and ideas I share represent this mentality.

Please read my first post to learn a little about why I chose the title and the value of perspective. Also see my About the Author page if you want to know more about me.